Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

Singarayakonda Mandal WISE AABY RENEWAL DATA ENTRY 2016-17

Panchayat Name TotalnoteligibleeligibleRenewedRevokedNotRenewedBalance
Kanumalla1305125 125 0 0 0
Kalikivaya 1622161 153 1 7 0
Mulagunta Padu2251224 223 0 1 0
Somaraju Palli2487242 241 1 0 0
Singarayakonda3478340 340 1 0 0
Pakala77914765 762 0 4 0
Woollapalem (part)5078502 491 3 8 0
Bingini Palli2744271 267 1 4 0
Old Singarayakonda2374233 225 0 8 0
Sanampudi3312329 329 0 0 0
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