Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

Kanchikacherla Mandal WISE AABY RENEWAL DATA ENTRY 2016-17

Panchayat Name TotalnoteligibleeligibleRenewedRevokedNotRenewedBalance
Seri Amaravaram99099 99 0 0 0
Munnaluru47147 46 1 0 0
Moguluru2487241 231 0 10 0
Chevitikallu27215257 238 0 19 0
Perakalapadu2066201 185 1 15 0
Gottumukkala41520397 385 2 10 0
Kesara3018293 293 0 0 0
Vemulapalle2554251 242 0 9 0
Ganiatkuru1750175 173 0 2 0
Kunikinapadu94193 93 0 0 0
Bathinapadu1342133 104 1 28 0
Kothapeta27612264 218 0 46 0
Gandepalli44817431 414 0 17 0
Kanchikacherla1181271154 1017 0 139 0
Pendyala72171 71 0 0 0
Paritala66821647 647 0 0 0
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