Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

Kukunooru Mandal WISE AABY RENEWAL DATA ENTRY 2016-17

Panchayat Name TotalnoteligibleeligibleRenewedRevokedNotRenewedBalance
Thondipaka1073104 102 0 2 0
Amaravaram1967189 171 0 18 0
Upperu98593 94 0 0 0
Damaracharla105798 97 0 1 0
Madhavaram1242122 115 0 7 0
Vinjaram26117244 199 0 45 0
Maredubaka90486 76 0 11 0
Kivvaka1357128 128 0 0 0
Kukunoor27718259 258 0 1 0
Dacharam18913176 175 0 1 0
Gommugudem1314127 119 0 8 0
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