Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

The Self Help Groups and their federations envision that even the poorest of the poor, including ...

Is to empower the Self Help Groups and the Community Based Organization (CBOs) to play an active role in the implementation of ...

Policy Claims At Call Center Claims Under Process Claims at LIC Claims Settled
Reported Rejected Eligible Submitted to LIC Pending at Call Center Settled Pending Documents To Download Claims Disbursed Balance Claims to be Disbursed
 YSR AHM 2013-14 4517 72 4445 4418 3 4416 2 0 4413 3
 YSR AHM 2014-15 10840 116 10724 10655 5 10642 12 1 10620 22
 YSR AHM 2015-16 11233 135 11098 11009 20 10945 56 8 10828 117
 YSR AHM 2016-17 10713 148 10565 10180 121 10016 89 75 9416 600
AABY13-14 22282 1066 21216 21208 7 21196 8 4 21160 36
AABY14-15 21619 886 20733 20721 5 20704 14 3 20666 38
AABY15-16 19079 845 18234 18157 31 18102 49 6 17884 218
AABY16-17 18345 864 17481 17275 151 17149 40 86 16332 817

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