In the event of enrollment of Aam Aadmi Bima Jojana, on the basis of the state target of 38.00 lakhs, district level, mandal level and village level entitlements (targets) have been fixed and communicated to the Districts for enrolment. Even at District level a serious of orientations/workshops /ToTs were conducted for the 86,000 stake holder. With the active support of the SHGs and their federations, continuous awareness has been given in all the villages by the Community Activists, Community Resource Persons, Active Village Organizations representatives with the hand holing support of the SERP field functionaries in a span of 20 days with the support of hand outs, brochure and displaying the message by the Hon’ble Chief Minister. For this purpose, Village level teams have been constituted and trained as Trainers of Trainees. After the orientation on the Scheme, the teams have gone to door to door and identified the real and eligible landless agricultural labourers and enrolled them in the individual applications. A special care has been taken to educate the community that the total premium has been paid by both the Governments of India and AP. However, Rs.10/- has been collected from each application by the Zilla Samakhya to meet the operational costs of awareness, enrolment, data entry and other services. As a proof of enrolment and collection of service charges, a receipt has been issued then and there.
In fact the right process of enrollment is the key to successes in implementation of mass Microinsurance interventions. Ample awareness is to be given to the community at large. Separate Village Enrollment Teams(VET) shall be constituted with the field staff and active community members on the basis of the size / number of SHGs. Abundant time shall be given for awareness building on the schemes, payouts, benefits of the schemes. During the awareness the community must be informed to keep the available Identity Cards for age proof like Ration Card /Voter ID/School Certificate if any or any other official document approved by the Government for enrollment. It is experienced over a period of three years, that the most of the community members shall have more than one name. They are called at mothers home by some name and at in-laws- house by some other name. The actual name is something which is in the IDs. Hence, it most important to enroll the members on the basis of available IDs. These Identity Cards serve two purposes; one to assess the right name of the individual to be insured and his/her age.