CBO Structure & Role & Responsibilities
Support Structure at State level
At SERP level a separate Social Security Unit consisting of one Director, one State Project Adviser (SPA), five Project Mangers / Executives to design, implement and monitor the schemes by providing hand holding / facilitation support to the Districts from time to time at awareness, enrolment, data entry, claim settlement etc. For close monitoring of the implementation of the schemes and provide hands on the job for the Districts, and to have easy access to the SPMU by the DPM, all the Project Managers are entrusted with 4- 5 districts.
Support Structure at District level
At District level exclusively, District Project Managers are positioned in each of the 22 Districts with responsibility to provide facilitation support for the Zilla Samakhyas in the implementation all the schemes and over all coordination with SPMU and Mandal Samakhyas. In addition to the DPMs, Assistant Project Mangers (APMs) are positioned in all the 22 Districts with responsibility of supporting the ZS-Sub-committees in Call Centre management, particularly claim settlement process, financial management, facilitation to ZS sub-committee members while reviewing the Bima Mithra etc.
Support Structure at Mandal (Block) level
The APMs /MS Coordinators and respective field functionaries are responsible for implementation of the scheme at Mandal /Village level.
CBO Structure:
- Zilla Samakhya(ZS): Besides Project Management functionaries, Zilla Samakhya have formed Social Security Sub-committees consisting of 4-5 members including 2 ZS Office Bearers (OB) exclusively for day to day management of Call Centres and resolving the issues raised by the community relating to the implementation like enrolment, claim settlement etc.
- Mandal Samakhya (MS): At MS level Social Security Sub-committees have been constituted with 3 MS EC members to shoulder the responsibility of implementation and monitoring the process. The sub-committee is also responsible for positioning of Bima Mithras and to accompany Bima Mithras while they visit to bereaved families for payment of interim relief and documentation of claim proposals. Sub-committees shall convene a Monitoring Committee meeting to review the claim settlement process once in a month with Police department, Medical Officer, Mandal Parishad Development Officer(MPDO) etc for issue of Death Certificates, Post-mortem Reports, FIR etc..
- Village Organization (VO): At VO level also sub-committees are formed with 2 members from VO EC to facilitate the community with regard to intimation of death to Call Centers, obtaining the Death Certificates from the GP Secretaries. The VO level sub-committees are also responsible for creating awareness at the time of enrolment/ renewals, distribution of monthly pensions, distribution of scholarships and to review all the issues pertaining to social security schemes in the regular/monthly VO meetings
- SHG level Social Security Point Member : One active / educated member from each and every SHGs is empowered as a ‘Social Security Point Member/person' to coordinate with MS /Call Centre with regard to all the social security aspects /issues pertains to the rest of the members of her SHG, like enrolment/ renewals/ distribution of scholarships / pensions /Claim settlements / procurement of documents etc. She will facilitate all her respective SHG members at the time of enrolment / renewal etc and also she will act as a point person between Call Centre and the client / insured member. All the phone numbers of such SHG members shall be kept at Call Centre for intimation of any information.