Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

Annapusastrulapalle Habitation List of Policies-AABY (2013-14)

SlNoApplication NumberName of the Policy HolderFather / HusbandNominee
1 59038 Sandu Venkata SubbaiahGangaiahKulayamma
2 59047 Sandu GanghadarPeddagangannaKumari
3 59048 Seelam Hanumanthu ReddyTirupalreddyRama Devi
4 59050 Nandyala Rama Lakshmi ReddyChinnasomireddyPadmavathi
5 111050003 Ramanjaneyulu GajjalaRajagopalSunetha
6 111050006 Ramapulaiah GojjalaRamaiahLakshmidevi
7 111184392 Chintakunta Ramireddychinnapullareddyumamaheswaridevi
8 1010282726 Madam RamuduVekataiahRamajinamma
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