Bima Mitra
SERP through the respective Zilla Samakhyas have developed a strong social capital like Community Resource Persons(CRPs) for various interventions, with a long term perspective of ensuring peoples participation and owing the entire process of development interventions from among the active SHG members. In the same fashion, for each and every mandal Bima Mithras are identified, trained and positioned to provide quick and quality insurance services to the community. About 1000 Bima Mithras are functioning across the State of Andhra Pradesh. Bima Mithras are provided with a cell phone, a Bank Account with ATM card facility, a kit containing Claim cum Discharge forms prescribed by LIC and small report. It is ensured that round the clock, an amount of Rs.10,000/- is deposited in the Bank Accounts of each Bima Mithra, so that as soon as she get a phone call from the call centre, she goes to the nearest ATM counter, draws an amount of Rs.5000/-. With the accompaniment of one respective mandal level Insurance sub-committee members, Bima Mithra visits the village where a death has been reported. They verify the causes of death from the community, if its is permissible, pay the bereaved nominee. Bima Mithra fills the claim cum discharge form, gets the signatures and advises the family members to send the death and age proof certificates, in case of accidental death FIR, Post Mortem Report (PMR) , doctor certificate etc. As soon as She finishes the job, she inform the compliance at call centre. Then again Call centre operator takes the responsibility of re-filling the amount in the account of respective Bima Mithra. For this service, each Bima Mithra is paid an amount of Rs.100/- for each call as service charges and actual travel. In addition to this, the community member of respective mandal Samakhya is also paid amount of Rs.100/- for accompaniment and taking the responsibility of ensuring speedy submission of required certificates. As soon as all the required certificates are collected, Bima Mithra will send the claim forms to the Call Centre either by post or courier. Then at the call centre the documents are verified, scanned and uploaded in the portal as token of submission to LIC . The Corporation settles the claim with 2 days by remitting the sum assured to the Call Centre through on line system. And finally, Zilla Samakhya take the responsibility of settling the final payment by deducting Rs.5000/- which was paid through Bima Mithras.
It is non-negotiable that there shall be one Bima Mithra for each mandal. She must be identified from the mandal where ATMs are located. Wherever, ATMs are there additional Bima Mithras shall be identified from that mandal for the purpose of providing services to their neighboring mandals. It is the ultimate responsibility of Mandal Samakhya to identify and select the Bima Mithra.
- She shall be an SHG member who is willing to go out of her house as soon the she receives a call from Call Centre.
- She must have minimum SSC education qualification(10+).
- She shall given an undertaking to abide by the rules and regulations of the Zilla Samakhya.
- She shall submit a resolution to ZS from her VO and MS stating that they do not have any objection for them with regard to her functioning as Bima Mithra in their mandal.
- She shall produce to ZS an undertaking from her respective MS with regard to vouch for the Mobile Phone and Bank Account with ATM facility in case of any misappropriation or breach of contract.
Once the Bima Mithras are selected, it is the responsibility of Zilla Samakhya in consultation with SERP to train then on the process of claim settlement.
Each Bima Mithra, on attending a Call, shall be paid an amount of Rs.100/= as resource fee per each claim. If she attends more than one claim in a day she shall be paid as per the numbers of claims.
If any Bima Mithra pays the interim relief within 5 hours from the time of receiving call from Call Centre, and submits the total claim documents including Death Certificate, age proof and nominee SB Account details (for online settlement of final claim amount) within 7 days she shall be paid an incentive of Rs.700/- and without Nominee a/c Rs.500, if she submits after 7 days she will be paid Rs.150 in addition to the regular resource fee Rs.100/-.
Entitlements /Facilities:
Bima Mithras shall be provided with Cell Phone to receive calls from Call Centre. SB Bank Account with ATM facility.Identity Card. Kit with claim document (Forms), stationary – stamp pad, stapler, pen pencil and a pair of uniform as decided by the Zilla Samakhya.