At a Glance
Cattle Insurance
Social Audit
Social Audit
Social Audit Report
Month wise Audit Report
Zilla Samakhaya Details
ZillaSamakhya Details
Bearer Details
Subcommittee Details
Area Coordinator Details
Call Center Staff
Mandal Samakhya Details
Bearer Details
Samakhya Details
HR List
SMS List
Login Status
Insurance Plus
Social Security Unit - Community Based Insurance
Community Managed Micro Insurance
Andhra Pradesh
About Us
Call Center
Roles & Responsibilites
Claim Settlement
Review & Monitoring
Abhaya Hastham
Jana Sree Bima Yojana
Loan Insurance
Cattle Insurance
Case Study
Circulars / GOs
Insurance Portal
Swavalambana Statements of Transactions 2012-13 - 30 Jan 2014
Swavalambana Mis Data Download - 4 Dec 2013
Vo Wise Amount Confirmation Screen is Provided in Mandal Scholarship Login - 11 Sep 2013
Swavalambana Mis Data Download - 11 Sep 2013
Vo Wise Amount Confirmation Screen is Provided in Mandal Scholarship Login - 11 Sep 2013
Student Wise Confirmation Screen Is Provided In Scholarship Login - 11 Sep 2013
Zilla Samakhya
Zilla Samakhya shoulders the ultimate responsibility of implementation of all the social security interventions at its respective District.
Establishment of Call Centres / Bhima Seva Kendram and equipping the Call Centres with ample infrastructure as specified by the SERP from time to time to provide quick and quality service to the community.
Formation of an exclusive sub-committee consisting of 2- 4 ZS Executive members for day to day monitoring of all the social security activities.
To open a separate Savings Bank Account being operated by the ZS Office Bearers for the purpose of micro insurance.
Appointment of Call Centre Staff as specified by the SERP from time to time. Currently two telephone operators, two computer operators and one accountant
Payment of monthly remuneration for the Call Centre staff as decided by the ZS on the basis of SERP guidelines after due review.
Final selection of Bima Mithras for each and every mandals from among the candidates identified and send to ZS by Mandal Samakhyas and arrangement of facilities for Bima Mithras like opening of SB Account with ATM facility, mobile phone, Identity Card, uniform, Kit etc. And Conduct of monthly reviews and payment of resource fee & TAs to Bima Mithras regularly. Moreover, to replenish Bima Mithra Accounts with Rs.5000/- for payment of interim relief.
Conduct of review with a separate agenda in the ZS monthly meeting and review the performance of Call Centre and other activities with ZS Sub-committee, DPM,APM etc.
Conduct of District level Capacity building events at the time of enrollment, renewal etc.
Formation of ZS Sub-Committees/ Selection Process and Eligibility criteria
Sub-Committee Members Qualifications /Eligibility criteria:
She must be a ZS EC member with a minimum educational qualification ( preferably SSC)
She shall be active, energetic and articulative.
She shall be between the age group of 25 – 45 so as to travel and undertake field visits to the villages on demand.
She shall be able to come to Call Centre as and when required. ( meaning there by proximity of her residence to call centre shall be taken into consideration during the selection.)
Finally, she shall be free from other pre-occupations / encumbrances etc.
She shall obtain and produce to Zilla Samakya a resolution of both her Village Organization and Mandal Samakhya recommending her the selection of ZS Sub-committee members and expressing no objection.
She shall give an undertaking that she is able to spend about 10-15 days in other than her native mandal/ District by leaving her family. Whenever she visits Call Centre she must be able to stay from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM monitoring and reviewing the systems and procedures. She should also give an undertaking that she shall work as sub-committee member for a minimum period of one year. In other words, she should not keep on changing the sub-committees.
She shall not be member of any other sub-committee or shall not be holding the responsibility of Community Resource Person, Community Activist, Village Book Keeper etc.
Roles and Responsibilities of ZS Sub-Committee Members:
To ensure that all the stakeholders to adhere to non-negotiable in order to provide quick and quality service to the community.
To ensure that ZS shall arrange all the facilities and infrastructure in the Call Centre as per SERP guidelines.
To purse that ZS shall appoint the requires staff at Call Centre for effective management.
To ensure that in all the Samadal Samakhyas, MS level sub-committees are formed and kept operational.
To monitor and review day to management of the Call Centre by visiting twice in a week and stay in the Call Centre from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM to review the performance of the Call Centre on the basis of state wise web-generated reports.
To conduct monthly reviews with Bima Mtirhas and to provide handholding support to them in the claims settlement process.
To support the Mandal Samakhyas in the identification of Bima Mithras and to conduct trainings to the selected Bima Mithras.
To ensure payment of remuneration and TAs to Bima Mithras regularly by ZS.
To facilitate Bima Mithras to have/ open SB Account and to ensure availability of Rs.10000/- minimum in their accounts sufficient to attend to claims.
To attend the District level revenue Officers meetings chired by the District Collector for redressal of pending claims with regard to delay in submission of claim proposals for want of death certificates, FIR, PMR etc.
To collect mandal wise monthly reports with regard to insurance activities and consolidate them and present in the ZS monthly meeting.
To collect case studies, success stories, best practices from the mandals and share with other mandals and to SERP.
To encourage the best performing mandals with awards /incentives as per the SERP guidelines.
To support the mandals / villages during the enrollment/ renewal process for effectiveness.
To visit the low performing villages/ mandals to provide handholding support to sort out the issues with the accompaniment of MS sub-committees.