Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

krishnamata DLG List Of Policies Enrolled under Cattle Insurance (2012-13)

Serial NoTagNoData EntryNoIdentificationMarksAnimalTypeCurrent CostReceiptNo
1 18731A3M3RR74FGblackగేదె4500018343
2 18733R1VOOBH555blackగేదె4500018343
3 18735QU66SJIIC4blackగేదె4500018343
4 136367BXP4V5W5PBLACKగేదె3000022042
5 13637E8SAC6YM74BLACKగేదె3000022042
6 13638PQNQMUJJSQBLACKగేదె3000022042
7 13639Y43JN0WUZPBLACKగేదె3000022042
8 136402Y8LE5M2JJBLACKగేదె3000022042
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